Welcome to the Xentara Partnership Program​

The Xentara Partnership Program is a cooperation initiative that provides a way 

  • for users to quickly and safely discover fitting solutions for their requirements
  • for entrepreneurs to bring their innovations to an already prepared market
  • for industry partners to share know-how


The program has two components:

Xentara Skill Program​

The Xentara Skill Program allows members to develop software modules or tools (“Skills”) to be used with Xentara and monetize them.

Reseller Partner Program​

Our Reseller Partner Program provides hardware suppliers with opportunities to have their products certified as "Xentara ready" or sell products with Xentara preinstalled.

As a Xentara Partnership Program member, you drive innovation and shape the Fourth Industrial Revolution in a community with strong partners based on an already established common platform.

Join the Growing Xentara Ecosystem!

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