Meet the Team Behind Xentara

Group photo of the team at Xentara by Embedded Ocean, showing team members smiling and standing together.

You think that it’s hard to combine experience with young talent? Think again! The crew at embedded ocean GmbH (or Team #Xentara) is made up of manufacturing enthusiasts, embedded specialists, automation ambassadors and knowledge-hungry IT experts.

  • The management team looks back on decades long individual careers in consulting, supply chain management, manufacturing improvement and embedded computing.
  • Our software engineers cover the whole spectrum from decades of experience to young and ambitious top programming talents we snatched right from university.
  • We are proud to work in a diversity friendly environment, welcoming team members from currently nine different nations!

Xentara is the manifestation of our combined desire to manage industrial production the smart way.

Join the Winning Team!

Our team is constantly growing! Do you think that you have what it takes to create the future? Then apply for a position and join Team Xentara!

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