Process Improvement Through Time Deterministic Controls

Any kind of improvement is based on experience – often even on trial and error. But in the realm of industrial process quality, relying on trial and error is way too costly. So the way to improve processes is to analyse machine and production data. Usually, this happens by recording a lot of said data and sending it to a cloud service provider for analysis. Once the results are in, parameters can then be tweaked for the next production run. If only there was a way to fine tune running processes while they’re happening…

With Xentara, now there is. 

For the first time, the control loop between machine and IT is closed

With standard IoT implementations, data
flows “upwards” only:

  • Data aggregation
  • Offline analysis
  • Alarms, reports
  • Dashboards
Pixelated cloud graphic representing data flow in standard IoT implementations
Graphic of a robotic arm and server, illustrating Xentara’s real-time process improvement in industrial settings.

Using the Xentara
platform, data can flow bidirectionally:

  • Closing the control loop
  • Action in real-time
  • Ongoing (self) Optimization
  • Smart shopfloor
Graphic of a robotic arm and server, illustrating Xentara’s real-time process improvement in industrial settings.
Xentara logo

Xentara’s unique patent pending real-time core and timing model enable stable, deterministic communication with machines – just the way industry standard Programmable Logic Controllers do – but even more performant than the standard PLC cycle. But unlike PLCs, which only understand simple control logic, Xentara can use any IT technology – like Machine Learning – and connect it seamlessly into its control loop.

PLCs can’t react to changes without being reprogrammed. Using Xentara-based edge devices in their place, all process parameters can be tweaked and optimized while they are running. With smart anomaly detection, shifting values are corrected before leaving their tolerance range. Quality drops are caught in time so as not to affect a whole production lot. Wear and tear is closely monitored to enable predictive maintenance – fixing upcoming issues before they happen.

  • better production yield and quality
  • enhanced efficiency and sustainability
  • better equipment durability and resilience
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